51²è¹ÝRF Student Internships
- Are you interested in helping commercialize new technologies and assisting entrepreneurial businesses?
- Do you like learning skills outside of your specific field?
- Would you like to work on a cross-disciplinary team of attorneys, business people, engineers and scientists?
51²è¹ÝRF is a nonprofit corporation charged with commercializing University of Akron technologies and supporting economic development in Northeast Ohio. Students from all academic backgrounds are welcome to apply for summer or semester-long internships. 51²è¹ÝRF can also assist you in determining if your internship is eligible for academic credit. (Law and business students have received academic credit in the past.)
If you are interested in exploring an internship at 51²è¹ÝRF, please contact eball@uakron.edu.
Contact University of Akron Research Foundation
Phone: 330-972-7840 • Fax: 330-972-2368 • Email: uarf@uakron.eduŸŸ
170 University Circle, Suite 312, Akron, Ohio 44325-2103