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- Abramson, Edward I. and Rose U. Abramson Scholarship Fund
- Abramson, Edward I. Scholarship
- Accountancy Advisory Board BS/MS Accounting Scholar
- Accountancy Advisory Board CPA Review Scholarship
- Accountancy Advisory Board Graduate Accounting Scholar
- Acquarone, Dr. Paul Award in Plant Sciences
- Acus III, M.D., Raymond W./Timothy J. Myer, M.D. Endowed Fund
- Acus, Dr. Raymond and Julie Endowed Fund
- Adams, Carol A. Endowed Scholarship
- Adams, John R. and Dr. Sarah A. Family Scholarship in Financial Planning
- Adamson, Pamela Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Adkins, Jr., Lewis W. and Yamini Adkins Endowment
- Advancing Up Job Prep Program Scholarship Fund
- Ake, Alice Jayne Hilbish Scholarship Fund
- Akron Bar Association Foundation Scholarship Fund
- Akron Branch AAUW Scholarship
- Akron Business and Professional Women’s Club Scholarships
- Akron Canton Mansfield Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association Endowed Scholarship in Construction Engineering Technology
- Akron City Hospital’s School of Nursing Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Akron Division AGC of Ohio Inc. Scholarship in Construction Technology
- Akron Experience Scholarship Fund
- Akron Golf Charities Scholarship for Golf
- Akron Jaycee Foundation Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Akron Law Alumni Association Scholarship
- Akron Polymer Student Endowed Scholarship
- Akron Press Club Scholarship Program
- Akron Sertoma Club Fund for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
- Akron University Police Patrolmen’s Association/Charles L. Penn and Brian Roshong Memorial Scholarship
- Akron Women’s Chapter of The National Aeronautic Association Fund
- Akron-Canton Barristers Association Scholarship
- Akron-Canton Chapter of the Ohio Contractor's Association Educational Fund
- Akron/Summit Convention and Visitors Bureau Donald L. Patterson Scholarship In Hospitality Management
- Alber Family Scholarship for Civil and Construction Engineering
- Albrecht, Fred and Francia (Holliday) Endowed Scholarship
- Alderman, M. Kay Endowed Scholarship in Education
- Aldrich, Doris S. Endowed Leadership Award and Scholarship
- Alexander, Dr. Ralph A. Memorial Lectureship Fund
- Alford, Chef Richard W. Scholarship
- Allan, Professor Hollis Class of 1980 Memorial Book Fund
- Allen, Homer F. Memorial Award
- Allen, Larry '70 and Susan Retention and Recruitment Scholarship
- Allen, Larry W. Scholarship for Engineering Excellence
- Alpeter, James E. and Margaret A. Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Jeanetta Welch Brown Scholarship
- Alpha Sigma Phi To Better the Man Scholarship
- Alspach, Ann E. Scholarship
- Alumni Prize Fund
- Ambelang, Dr. Joseph C. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- American Advertising Federation Akron Chapter Endowed Scholarship in Marketing
- American Greetings Scholarship for Excellence in Design
- Ametrano, Umberto and Maria Perpetua Scholarship for Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Ammons, Benjamin G. Endowment for Women's Basketball
- Ammons, Benjamin G. Sesquicentennial Dean's Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
- Amputees Opportunities Unlimited Foundation Scholarship
- AmTrust Scholarship in Insurance
- Anastos, George and Angelica Endowed Scholarship
- Anderson, Dr. Carolyn Honorary Endowed Scholarship
- Anderson, Judge Donald T. Endowed Scholarship
- Andrea, Dr. Ronald K. Endowed Scholarship
- Andreeff, Nickolas P. and Marilyn M. Scholarship Fund
- Andreoli, Andre J. Scholarship Fund
- Andress, Samuel C. Scholarship Fund
- Angeloff, Chris Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Antill, Scott Robert Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Anton, Arthur F. and Carol M. Scholarship Fund
- Antro, John and Catherine Endowed Scholarship
- Apati, Ruth Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Apple, Jerry Graduate Assistantship
- Archbishop Hoban/University of Akron Scholars Program Scholarship
- Armstrong, Barbara N. Scholarship in Family Studies
- Armstrong, Ph.D., Terri S. Endowed Scholarship
- Arroyo, Steve and Millie Scholarship Fund for Engineering
- Arshinkoff, Alex R. Internship in Applied Politics
- Art History Student Travel Fund
- ArtSparks Fund for The 51²è¹Ý School of Dance
- Ashton Prize Fund
- Assaf, Ronald G. and Kathleen A. Endowment
- Association of The University of Akron Retirees Scholarship
- Atwood, Howard and Joann Scholarship
- Auburn, Ben Award in Cultural Criticism
- Auburn, Benjamin M. J. Endowment
- Auburn, David Bruce Scholarship
- Auburn, Dr. Mark S./James Francis Dunlap Travel and Study Fund for Theatre Students
- Auburn, Dr. Sandy Korman and Dr. Elizabeth J. Hittle Student Travel/Access Fund for Speech-Language Pathology Students
- Auburn, Kathleen Montgomery Scholarship for Graduate Study
- Auburn, Norman P. Scholarship in Engineering
- Auburn, Norman P. Scholarship in Legal Studies
- Auburn, Norman P. Scholarship in Polymer Science
- Auburn, Virginia A. Scholarship in Education
- Auburn, Virginia A. Scholarship in Physical Sciences
- Audio-Technica Esports Scholarship
- Auditory-Verbal Clinic Scholarship Fund
- Aupperle, Louise Memorial Scholarship
- Austin Chemical Company Inc. Chair in Chemical Engineering
- Austin-Bailey Health and Wellness Foundation Award at Wayne College
- Avery Dennison Annual Scholarship
- Ayer, Frederic E. Scholarship for Excellence
- Aynes, Dean and Professor Richard L. and Attorney Kathleen S. Clinic Scholarship Fund
- Aynes, Richard L. Writing Competiton Award Endowment