Leibensperger, Robert L. Scholarship Fund
Robert L. Leibensperger established The Robert L. Leibensperger Scholarship Fund. All or a portion of the net income from the fund, after payment of all expenses, shall be distributed annually by the Foundation exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes in the following manner: (a) the income or a portion thereof shall be distributed, during the year following receipt thereof, for a scholarship award or awards as recommended by the Selection Committee; (b) The Selection Committee will be comprised of members of the Department of Mechanical Engineering selected 51²è¹Ý; (c) the selection Committee will ascertain that recommended recipients are students planning to enroll, or are enrolled, at The University of Akron who are studying in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The Selection Committee shall consider the candidate’s character, academic achievement, and need. Preference shall be given to students who are residents of Stark County, Ohio; (d) The University of Akron Foundation will verify that the recipient is enrolled in mechanical engineering coursework and will use the funds solely for educational expenses for college-level study; (d) Students to whom an award is made shall be notified that the award is “The Robert L. Leibensperger Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering.”