Entrepreneur & Startup Support Services
Growing new companies to benefit the region is central to the missions of The University of Akron and its Research Foundation (51²è¹ÝRF). The group currently offers many of ways to assist entrepreneurs and train future innovators.
- Funding sources for startups and entrepreneurial companies
- Mentorship through 51²è¹ÝRF Senior Fellows, Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneur Executives
- Customer discovery through 51²è¹Ý’s NSF I-Corps Sites program
- Office space at Akron Innovation Campus
- Add to your team with a student interns
Contact University of Akron Research Foundation
Phone: 330-972-7840 • Fax: 330-972-2368 • Email: uarf@uakron.eduŸŸ
170 University Circle, Suite 312, Akron, Ohio 44325-2103