
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, Divisional PPE Track
(Political Science, Philosophy and Economics)

The Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics Departments have collaborated to create the Social Sciences Division PPE track. This interdisciplinary degree consists of courses from all 3 departments and can open the door to graduate study in any of these disciplines as well as law school.

Degree Information:

Degree Requirements:

    • : 34 credits 
    • : 14 credits
    • Social Sciences PPE Requirements: 54 credits
      • Philosophy
        • PHIL:120: Introduction to Ethics (3 credits)
        • PHIL:170: Introduction to Logic (3 credits)
        • PHIL:464: Philosophy of Science (3 credits) OR 3600:421: Philosophy of Law (3 credits)
        • PHIL:3xx/4xx: 300/400-level Philosophy Electives (6 credits)
      • Political Science
        • POLIT:301: Introduction to Political Research (3 credits)
        • POLIT:303: Introduction to Political Thought (3 credits)
        • POLIT:3xx/4xx: 300/400-level Political Science Electives (9 credits)
      • Economics
        • ECON:244: Introduction to Economic Analysis (3 credits)
        • ECON:400: Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 credits)
        • ECON:410: Intermediate Microeconomics (3 credits)
        • ECON:3xx/4xx: 300/400-level Economics Electives (6 credits)
      • Social Science PPE Electives
        • 300/400-level classes in either Philosophy, Political Science or Economics (9 credits)
    • Additional Credits for Graduation: 18 credits

undergraduate classes (PHIL). undergraduate classes (POLIT).
undergraduate classes (ECON).