
Polymer summer program wraps-up


REU toured Lubrizol in Brecksville.

REU students toured Lubrizol in Brecksville.

Each year, the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering offers a competitive research opportunity to undergraduate students from across the country.

The  uses the school’s state-of-the-art laboratories for research and career development activities and other experiential learning opportunities.

This year, students also had the opportunity to tour Lubrizol’s Brecksville location.

“Seeing all the labs was interesting because I've never been inside a plant before, and I liked seeing the actual place where products that I use are created,” one student commented. “Also, some of the employees showed us experiments and that was really cool!”

This year's summer internship program was led by Dr. Mesfin Tsige, professor in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. Laurel Lohrey, coordinator of training and testing for the school, was the program coordinator.


Media contact: Cristine Boyd, 330-972-6476 or cboyd@uakron.edu.