
ZIpsTeachMath concepts banner

ZipsTeachMath is a student organization at The University of Akron, also known as the University of Akron Council of Teachers of Mathematics (51²è¹ÝCTM).  The organization is dedicated to seeking improved teaching and learning of school mathematics and to the improvement of professional preparation for teachers of school mathematics.

Family Math Night at the I PROMISE School

The University of Akron Council of Teachers of Mathematics (51²è¹ÝCTM), otherwise known as “ZipsTeachMath,” hosted a Family Math Night at the Lebron James Family Foundation iPromise School on Friday, Feb. 7.  As a student affiliate of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), ZipsTeachMath applied for and received a small grant from OCTM to help obtain materials for the event.  Activities included coding with robotics, folding Valentine box nets, measuring the volume of popcorn, solving the combination to unlock a box, and completing the Black Mathematician scavenger hunt. 

Dan Linder, senior and VP of ZipsTeachMath, served as Project Director for the evening, and Zach Weiss, senior and President of ZipsTeachMath, and Dr. Lynne Pachnowski, faculty advisor, co-wrote the grant application.  Room leaders included Kristen Moore, Bryan Yaeger, Zach Weiss,  Jim Mellody, Julie Adams, Dallas Covert, Julia Vazsonyi, Katlyn Villers, Catherine Farnsworth, and Dr. Pachnowski.

Click the view below to view the gallery of pictures from Family Math Night.

Zips Teach Math


Annual dues:  $10, which includes a membership in the  (OCTM) and membership in the (GAMES).  Membership provides a pre-service teacher admission to many professional development events within the state and Northeast Ohio.


Graduation honors.  51²è¹Ý students who are active members of ZipsTeachMath and who attend three events (at least one professional development and one service) will receive a cord to wear with his or her graduation gown.

Professional development.  Active membership shows that a teacher is keeping abreast of current trends in math teaching and look to connect with peers in order to network and stay current.  This is a plus when you're applying for teaching jobs in the future.   

Networking.  ZipsTeachMath also encourages students to participate in the Rubber City Math Teacher Circle for fun mathematics problem-solving professional development.

Members of ZipsTeachMath attended the OCTM Conference in Fall 2019.

2019-2020 Executive Board


Zach Weiss

Vice President, AYA

Dan Linder

Vice President, Middle


Vice President, Early Childhood



Bryan Yeager


Jim Mellody

Faculty Adviser

Dr. Lynne Pachnowski