Reymann, Charles and Salome Endowed Scholarship
The Charles and Salome Reymann Endowed Scholarship was established at The University of Akron in 1976 by The Charles and Salome Reymann Foundation and was revised in 2008 and 2023. The scholarship provides annual tuition assistance to undergraduate students majoring in special education pursuing the mild/moderate or moderate/intensive intervention specialist track. This licensure focuses on providing special educational services to individuals with developmental disabilities.
Charles and Salome Reymann had a family of 16 children. Charles and his partners established the Atlantic Foundry in Akron in 1905. Charles eventually acquired control of the entire company, and the Reymann family owned and operated the business until its closing in 1989. Charles and Salome also established the Akron Mattress Company, which later became the San Hygene Furniture Company.
Because Charles and Salome had two grandchildren with special education needs, support for individuals with such needs became an important focus for the couple. In 1967 the descendants of Charles and Salome established the Reymann Foundation to honor and continue the legacy of good works that Charles and Salome had performed in the community.
Students eligible for The Charles and Salome Reymann Endowed Scholarship must be special education majors in the LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education, pursuing the mild/moderate or moderate/intensive intervention specialist track. Additionally, candidates must:
- Have a GPA of 2.75 or higher;
- Have financial need, as verified by the University's Office of Student Financial Aid;
- Be in good academic standing; and
- Have a record of exceptional service with campus and/or community organizations.
Selection of recipients will be made each spring by the School of Education Scholarship Committee without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Charles and Salome Reymann Foundation will receive the names of the recipients and their application essays within 30 days, enabling them to appropriate scholarship amounts for each student.
Recipients of The The Charles and Salome Reymann Endowed Scholarship are requested to:
- Provide a personal letter of thanks to the Reymann Foundation within two weeks of notification of award,
- Meet at least once with members of the Reymann Foundation during the school year at a mutually convenient day and time,
- Share their story regarding their career choice for the Reymann Foundation's marketing purposes, including social media, and
- Attend, if possible, one Reymann Foundation social event as a guest.
To make a tax-deductible gift to this scholarship, please visit 51²è¹Ý’s . Select “A different designation” from the drop-down menu and enter “Charles and Salome Reymann Scholarship” in the text box. Thank you!