Cox, Carolyn Scholarship Fund of The University of Akron Women's Club
The Carolyn Cox Scholarship Fund of The University of Akron Women's Club is given 51²è¹Ý Women's Club, formerly known as The University of Akron Faculty Women's Club. The Club's name change was by vote of the membership on March 15, 2007. The original scholarship description was written in 1989, with revisions made in 2010, 2017, 2021, and May 2024.
The University of Akron Women's Club was started in 1923 by Mrs. C.R. Olin, Mrs. Hezzelton E. Simmons, and Miss Gladys Weeks (former secretary of 51²è¹Ý President Hezzelton Simmons) at the request of then President Dr. Parke R. Kolbe. Mrs. C.R. Olin was the first President of the Club, which was established as a social club for faculty wives and "campus women" and to help make new faculty feel more at home at the University and within the community. Prior to that, the social life of the faculty and their wives had been actively involved with those of the students and their college social events due to geographic proximity of their homes/lodging. As the college grew and transportation changes allowed people to move out of Akron, the new faculty in the 1920s was not being as integrated into the college social life.
Today, the purpose of the Club is to "promote the general good of the University, to promote social, informational, and service opportunities for its members, and to welcome newcomers into the University community."
Candidates for The Carolyn Cox Scholarship Fund of The University of Akron Women's Club must be full-time students with financial need who have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. The recipients will be selected by the University Scholarship Committee on a rotation through all University of Akron colleges.
To make a tax-deductible gift to this scholarship, please visit 51²è¹Ý’s . Select “A different designation” from the drop-down menu and enter “Carolyn Cox Scholarship” in the text box. Thank you!